Contact and Links

Thanks for visiting this website, which was created with a lot of love. I welcome your questions or comments at the link below. I also invite you to share your own fond memories about Bob and Shirley (whether a few words, or even a full story) which may be shared in the MEMORIES section.

Family Links

Special Thanks

My deep gratitude to Madeleine Hart for her beautiful job on designing this website and retouching all the photos. 

Thanks also to Richard Grossman, Jeffrey Simon, Beth Simon Rosenschein, Susan Dworsky, Michoël Ronn, and Sylvia Dworsky. 

Historical resources include the personal photo albums of Bob, Shirley, Ida, and Richard Dworsky; audio interviews with Ida Dworsky and Mary Sanders; and the book, The Dworskys of Lazdei by Michoel Ronn.

Thanks again to all. ~ Richard Dworsky